Some funny google tricks...

Well, I think you must have had enough of the technical google tips dose... now lets take a glance on some of the funny google tricks...just for fun...chill!! :)

1) The loneliest number

Go to -> Enter 'the lonliest number'(without inverted commas) in the search box -> ...and check out which is the lonliest number :p

2) Chuck Norris

Type 'Find Chuck Norris' (obviously every time, from henceforth, without inverted commas) in the search box....and then press I'm Feeling Lucky button.

3) Recursion

Type 'Recursion' in the search box of and press will see 'Did You Mean: Recursion'. This proves that Google also does make silly mistakes sometimes :p

4) Google Loco

Bored of looking at the old classical Google logo??? Type Google loco in the search box and press the I'm Feeling Lucky button.

5) Google Gravity

You know, Newton's law of gravity also applies to Google??? Just check it out...type Google Gravity in the search box, press the I'm Feeling Lucky button... and test it out.

google tricks

....hope you enjoyed this... catch ya soon!! :)

Previous Post : Google Tips

Google Tips

Google goes beyond everything that I have written in the previous post. It lets you search specific things in simple ways. Lets learn how to make specific request to Google...

1) [link: sitename]

This search will return you the websites that link to the website.

2) [info: sitename]

All the information owned by Google is returned by this type of search.

3) [icecream site: sitename]

Now this one is quite useful. This type of search lets you find specific pages in the website which contains the word icecream.

google tips

4) [intitle: icecream: sitename]

This search will let you look for specific pages in the website having the word “icecream” in their titles.

Hope you liked some of the tips mentioned above....

Previous Post : Some google features ...

Some google features...

Google is the best search engine available on the Internet. Its powerful search engine is used by millions of people everyday...and millions of keywords are searched.

Well did you know that Google can be used for..

1) To get the local time for any city or location in world

If you want to know what time is it in some certain city, just type what time is it (city name) e.g. what time is it London.

2) To convert everything into anything else

You can convert currencies as well as metrics, numbers, etc like the following examples
1) 1 US dollar in pounds (or whatever currency conversion you want)
2) minutes in pounds (or anyting else like years to century)
3) kilobytes in megabytes
...... and so on and so forth!!!

3) You can even track flight status...
google tips and tricks

If you want to know at what time your flight will leave, then here is what you need to do...
(flight company name) flight (flight number), for e.g. british airways flight 398.

4) Google as a Calculator

There is no need of a calculator when you have the Google search engine by hand. Just type the calculation in the search box and get the result.
For e.g. 435+675*345/31

...will return back with more tips, tricks and features!! :)

Starting a new blog for Google Tips and Tricks....

Hello guys,

Starting a new blog to let you people know some of the google shortcuts, tips and tricks... as and when i know them....

For techies working on internet, as well as, the netizens...the Internet world is nothing without the one covering the major area... GOOGLE. There are a lot of Google shortcuts, some useful tips and some helpful tricks that can make the searches quite simpler.

Hope you like this blog....

Happy Googling.... :)

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